Sandro Antonietti. effective and visually appealing solutions with a broad skillset in Marketing, Multimedia, Design, and Web-development.

Frequently asked questions

What does creative services stand for ?
My interdisciplinary skillset allows me to work on many different things. All that i do is enabled and enhanced by my ability to be strategically creative. Throughout the next few years, as i continue to learn and progress in my studies, my field of work will continue to shift. Therefore i choose to focus on the core element of what i do. This is always going to be the catalist.

You can find some samples of my work on this Website

Who do I work for?
I work for agencies as well as organizations, companies and individuals.

Why .cc ?
I wish I had a fun & creative explanation. maybe I'll come up with something brilliant in the future.
Basically, was unfortunately already occupied so I needed an alternative. .cc seemed like a decent replacement.

.cc stands for the cocos (keeling) islands. so if I ever become a digital nomad it will be perfect :)

What else do I do ?
I am currently studying for a bachelors degree in Design Management international at the University of applied Sciences and Arts in Lucerne.

The program focuses on system thinking, business and sustainable development approaches. Students are trained to combine design strategies and business skills and to collaborate with interdisciplinary Teams. Design managers help organizations to develop sustainably, economically and innovatively and to work towards the Sustainable Development Goals. More information about the Program can be found on the HSLU website.

just in (1)

The collaboration with Sandro was characterized by high efficiency and clear goal orientation. The needs of our company were always in focus, and Sandro's creativity and expertise were decisive for the outstanding result. I am extremely satisfied with the collaboration.

Joris Meier, Schmid Küchenbau